There’s a Serious Problem With COD We Need Addressed…

I genuinely hate to be a downer but things like today’s discussion are unfortunately unavoidable because it’s honestly really important that you hear it. Black Ops Cold War for the time being is not safe, and this comes in the wake of increased risks to older COD games en lieu of older clients like XLabs and what may be Plutonium next being shut down despite the protections and security they offered those older applications. But the crazier part is that we’re talking about Cold War today, not a game that’s over a decade old and hasn’t had any support or updates in 5+ years… We’re talking about a game that was the primary not even 2 years ago still. Today we’re jumping into what you need to know and the unfortunate reality that we have as COD players at the moment with these types of situations. As we go along, drop your thoughts below and if you enjoy the video or find it at all insightful, do me a favor and drop a like on it. And finally, if you’re new to the channel, consider subscribing to stay up to date with all things COD and more FPS content in the future, I’d love to have you. For now, let’s jump into it…

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00:00 – Intro
01:00 – Black Ops Cold War is NOT Safe to Play Currently
04:11 – Why This is So Frustrating to See…
06:30 – Final Thoughts on the Black Ops Cold War Security Problems
07:21 – Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!