SPONSOR: Boosteroid Cloud Streaming service: https://boosteroid.com/go/b/aln2F
In this fun live stream, we’re playing a game of cold war zombies with our subscribers! It’s a lot of fun, and we’re having a great time!
If you’re up for some hilarious fun, then you should definitely check out this live stream! We’re playing a game of cold war zombies with our subscribers, and it’s sure to be a lot of fun. You never know, you might even get to survive the cold war zombies! Subscribe now to be sure you don’t miss out on this fun time!
My name is Jack, I’ve been playing Call of Duty Zombies ever since World at War Nacht Der Untoten. I have played for over 12 years, my favourite maps are Call of the Dead, Shangri-La and, Moon. You will NEVER see me play Vanguard. I will usually play for casual high round or try and break some zombie world records such as No Perk Challenges, and First Room Challenges. My favourite CODs are Black Ops 1, Black Ops 2, World at War and, Black Ops 3 in order. People ask me all the time who my favourite streamers are, they are: InsomniaVirus, MrTLexify, TheSmithPlays, KrazyRabb1t, Frenzy, Cruppz, JAR2EZ, RhinoTTH and, Itzz Eclipse
Donation leaderboards: (TOTAL SUPER CHAT & PAYPAL DONATIONS)
1🥇. Execution: $$484.80
2🥈. GreenKush_GAMING: $415.29
3🥉. Shaun Smith: $305.99
4. Ragnarok 935: $294.00
5. LiL MoP: $254.90
6. Mischief: $107.01
7. ReapZ: $100.00
8. Nitro Pegasus: $80.00
9. CaptainChronic: $52.48
10. Bussin: $50.00
🥇Execution:196 Members
🥈Braden: 140 Members
🥉Spiritbox: 110 Members
E: 90 Members
Zach2EZ: 80 Members
XcDylan93: 7 Memebers
AyyGio : 5 Members
Reapz: 5 Members
AreWeEvenGaming: 5 Members
Smith1414: 1 Member
tags ingnore;
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#blackops cold war zombies with subscribers
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